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the pursuit of excellence

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​​​​​​​ and all that we aim to achieve


Our determined Admission Arrangements for 2025-2026 are available to view.
Please click here.


Published admission number 2025: 240

Applications for all school places must be made on the application form provided by the parent/carer’s home local authority, with the opportunity to nominate schools, ranked in order of preference.

Alternatively, if you would like to apply online for a place in Year 7 starting in September 2025 you should apply to your home council by 31 October 2024 at  Contact School Admissions if you miss the closing date.

Once completed, the application form (including if you apply online) must be received by your home Local Authority by their closing date. The home Local Authority will notify parents of the outcome of their application for a place. Letters offering places will be posted on 2 March.

 Applications are welcomed from all who wish their children to attend Park Hall regardless of their home Local Authority. Students and their parent[s]/carer[s] who are considering applying are warmly invited to visit the School. The school holds an Open Evening for Year 6 students and their parent[s]/carer[s] in the September of the year prior to intended admission. The School Leadership Team will also be pleased to provide information and answer questions by letter or telephone, or to meet parents to discuss possible applications.

Experience suggests that there will often be more applications than places. The Governors have a Published Admission Limit of 240 places for Year 7 and for 10 external students in Year 12 and Year 13. The following procedure for applications is designed to ensure that the Governors' Admissions Policy is applied as fairly and consistently as possible.

Download the document below for more information on our Admissions Policy.


If you have not been offered a place at this school you have the right of appeal against the decision not to allocate your child a place.  Appeals are heard by an independent panel. If you want to appeal you should phone Solihull School Admissions on 0121 704 6693 or email and request a form.

 Your appeal will be heard within the following timetable:



Closing date for receipt of your written appeal:

Your appeal will be heard by:

Secondary places for children starting in September 2025.

 31 March.

As soon as reasonably practical. We aim to hear all appeals submitted by the deadline of 21 July.


Change of school (application at any other time other than normal intake.

20 schooldays after your outcome letter.

30 school days after your appeal form has been received.

Appeals received after the closing date will be heard within the schedule where possible, but this cannot be guaranteed.  If the form is received in late June, the appeal may not be heard until after the school summer holidays.  Appeals are not heard during the school holidays.

You will receive 10 schooldays’ notice of the time and date of the appeal hearing. This can be waived if all parties agree.  You will be sent a statement 7 days before your appeal hearing, explaining why your child has not been offered a place and why the school is unable to admit another pupil.

Any additional documentation you wish to submit in support of your appeal must be sent to the Appeal Clerk within 3 days of the appeal hearing. Failure to comply may result in your appeal hearing being adjourned.

For further information about our appeals process, download our Parents Guide to Appeals

Solihull Local Authority Admissions Team process all of our in-year applications on behalf of the school.